Papier-mâché Tutorial


> Newspaper or plain paper: You can tear or cut these into strips or use paper pulp.

> Adhesive: You can use white glue, flour paste, or a mixture of glue and water (approximately 1:1 ratio). Click HERE for recipes!

> A base or armature: This could be a balloon, a wire frame, a cardboard box, or any object you want to create or cover.

> Paints, brushes, and decorations: These are optional for finishing and decorating your project.

> Scissors and a utility knife: For cutting paper and trimming your project.

> Containers and brushes for the adhesive: To dip the paper strips in.


If you're using an armature (like a balloon or wire frame), set it up in the shape you desire. If you're using a cardboard box, cut and assemble it into the desired shape.

If you're using white glue, you can thin it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Stir well.

If you're using flour paste, mix flour with water until you achieve a smooth, pancake batter-like consistency.

Dip a strip of paper into the adhesive, making sure it's fully coated but not dripping.

Apply the strip to your base or armature, smoothing it down to remove air bubbles and wrinkles. Overlap strips to ensure full coverage.

Continue layering strips until you've covered the entire surface of your project. Aim for at least three layers to make it sturdy. Let each layer dry completely before adding the next. This may take several hours or even a day.

Once you have enough layers and your project is dry, you can shape it further. For example, if you made a mask, you can trim the edges or add features like a nose or ears.

Use additional strips and adhesive to build up any desired details or textures. Let these dry as well.

Once your project is completely dry and shaped to your liking, you can paint it with acrylic or poster paints.

After the paint dries, you can add decorations like glitter, beads, or fabric.

If you want to protect your papier-mâché project and give it a glossy finish, you can apply a clear varnish or a layer of Mod Podge. This step is optional but can enhance the final look and durability.

Your papier-mâché creation is now ready to display or use as desired. Whether it's a decorative sculpture, a piñata, or any other project, enjoy your handmade creation!

Remember that papier-mâché can be a messy but rewarding craft. Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and techniques to unleash your creativity and make unique creations. Have fun, and don't be afraid to get a little messy! (I do have gloves and aprons if you need them!)

Click here for a step by step Papier-mâché Vase tutorial