: to set apart from others

: quarantine

 : to select from among others

: to separate from another substance so as to obtain pure or in a free state 


In this assignment, students will delve into the concept of isolation, exploring its various meanings and interpretations in the context of art. They will have the creative freedom to choose their medium and materials, allowing them to express their ideas and emotions while reflecting on the concept of isolation.


Assessment: Your work will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Conceptualization and understanding of the theme "isolate."

Creativity and originality in your artistic approach.

Technical skill and execution in your chosen medium.

Clarity and effectiveness in conveying your message about isolation.

Engagement and contribution during the class discussion and reflection.

Note: Encourage students to explore their creativity and think critically about the concept of isolation. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-expression and artistic exploration while fostering discussion and reflection within the class.

adam frezza & terri chiao